My Crazy Family

Hello, I’m Amy and let me introduce you to my crazy family. My husband’s name is Brett, technically it is Michael, but he goes by his middle name. We met back in 1998, when I was just a young lass and he a handsome man 8 years my senior. Now, Brett is the love of my life, but the first time I met him I thought he was an ass, that story is for another day. Brett already had a 13-year-old daughter Amber and 7-year-old son Michael, they are my amazing bonus kids, I can’t imagine my life without any of them. Brett and I were together for 6 years before we welcomed our son Jayden into our world, that same year (two months earlier) our beautiful granddaughter Emiley was born. Jayden and Emiley are definitely more like siblings than they are uncle and niece; in fact many people thought that they were twins when they were babies. Four years later our first grandson Gionni was born, now our family was really starting to grow. Then three years later our grandson Knight was born followed two months later by our youngest daughter Charleigh. If you thought we were done, you were wrong, seven years after Knight and Charleigh were born, our youngest grandson Gunner decided to grace us with his presence. Did I say my family was crazy or what? Well this is just our immediate family and I’m sure we are not done yet. I mean, Brett and I are done, but I’m positive that there are going to be more grandchildren and even great-grandchildren in the not too distant future. Our family is so much more than me, Brett, our kids and grandkids, we have many other family members and you will learn more about all these crazy people in future posts. 

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