
Life is an adventure, enjoy every minute of it!

New Year’s Resolution

I’m back! I took a little bit of a hiatus due to a lot of things happening in my life, but I’m back now and making my New Year’s resolutions. I am not always a fan of New Year’s resolutions because honestly, they don’t always happen. So here I am making one or two. LOL!…

A Letter to an Unsympathetic School Board

In October of 2020 our school community was informed that the West Sonoma County Union High School District board was going to vote on consolidating our two high schools. There had been no communication prior to that. We were blindsided by this information and have been doing everything in our power to stop this ever…

Do you have the book “The Source?”

I have worked many different jobs in my lifetime. One of my favorites was when I was a manager at a large bookstore. I worked there for almost 10 years and have seen a lot. There are many stories from my time there, which I’m sure I will share with you sometime. But for now…

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